The debug board has been extremely popular with the MediaSmart Server community, and VOV Technology has earned countless positive reviews from happy customers.
Alex Kuretz
Founder of, Microsoft MVP
Have an online community that likes to think big? Let us build the hardware. We can help your community by alleviating the design, manufacturing, assembly and distribution of your idea, keeping your community focused on more important things.
Have an idea but not sure how to build it? We specialize on low-volume high-mix production. Let us handle building the board to make you and your community successful.
Need to share your ideas with the world? We love open-source designs and can work with you in getting your idea off the ground.
The debug board, like its predecessors, is very professionally built; it looks great.
Matt Sawyer
Dojo North Software, CEO
[The Armstrap Eagle] is a breath of fresh air in an embedded development environment that's weighed down with all sorts of cruft.
David Clift-Reaves
Supermechanical, Engineering